First Aid Courses Hervey Bay | 0423312359
First Aid Courses Hervey Bay | 0423312359
This is your Standard CPR Course required for most workplaces
Do you Need to update or complete a course
Allow about 2 hours
We offer the most comprehensive First Aid Training in Hervey Bay
Choose your preferred date
Click on the link enrol here
Enrol Online
Complete the Pre Course study prior to attending
Finalise Payment or Invoice with prior approval
Come along to the day of practical Training and assessment
Once everything is completed
Congratulations we will send out your
Nationally Recognised Certification normally within 24 hours
Stand alone course to keep your First Aid Certificate current
Or for those that wish to gain the lifesaving knowledge
Completing this course will give you the skills and knowledge required to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) guidelines.
With Training Centre Hervey Bay Urangan
Budget for 2 hours practical training
For participants the Australian government has clearly stated if you cannot do CPR on the floor for 2 minutes the trainer cannot deem you competent
We will do everything we can to help you achieve this
Current Price is $65 per person
Courses Wednesday /Thursday / Friday/ Saturday 9am to 10.30 am
We have designed this course for people who cannot make it to a face to face course For example you live in a remote location Perhaps you are just uncomfortable doing a course within a group situation This could be the course for you The enrolment process consists of :Enrol Online Complete a pre course study workbook Pick up your training package Or have it posted to you You will require a computer With Camera and Audio For the zoom link Allow about2 hours maximum The Instructor will demonstrate the skills Once you have had a practice We will do the assessment After course completion We will require the training package to be returned in good order Upon successful completion Congratulations we will send your Nationally Recognised Certification