First Aid Courses Hervey Bay | 0423312359
First Aid Courses Hervey Bay | 0423312359
We Offer :
This unit of competency involves the skills and knowledge required to administer restricted analgesics to provide pain management as part of a medically supervised first responder organisation. It includes identifying the need for analgesia; accessing, preparing and administering restricted pain relief such as analgesics and aspirin according to medically endorsed protocols; performing casualty handovers and completing analgesic use requirements.
The unit is applicable for personnel from emergency services, volunteer organisations or organisations that provide a medically supervised first aid service. Licensing requirements for the storage and administration of drugs may apply.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
You must have a current Provide First aid HLTAID011 to attend this course
This course is specifically focused for nurses, health workers, support workers, NDIS providers, aged care workers working in hospitals and residential care settings.
It is designed in accordance with the relevant state/territory legislation, including the hazardous manual tasks code of practice.
Yes it is recognised for most professions if you require manual handling